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What is the California State Senate?

The upper chamber of the California State Legislature

The California State Senate, along with the California State Assembly, make up the legislative branch of the state government. 

There are 40 seats in the State Senate, and each State Senator represents approximately 931,349 people. The California State Senate has the largest population per State Senator ratio of any state legislative house, and each State Senator represents more people than the members of the House of Representatives in California. Of the 40 available seats, the Democratic Party currently holds 30. These seats are elected positions, with members elected prior to 2012 restricted to two four-year terms, while members elected after 2012 are allowed 12 years in the legislature in a combination of four-year State Senate terms or two-year State Assembly terms. 

State Senators are responsible for passing bills on public policy, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override governor vetoes.

Anthony Portantino

California State Senator, District 25

Home phone: 818-925-3432


Capitol Office:

State Capitol Room 3086

Sacramento, CA 95814



Glendale District Office:

116 E Broadway, Suite 206

Glendale, CA 91205



Satellite Office:

201 E Bonita Ave

San Dimas, CA 91773






Anthony Portantino represents the Democratic Party as the California State Senator for District 25. He was first elected in 2016, and re-elected in 2020. His current term ends in 2024. He has stated his priorities are creating jobs for working families, supporting and improving public schools and universities, decreasing gun violence, protecting our environment, bringing transparency and accountability to state government, and upholding human and civil rights.


Anthony has a wide variety of experience both in and out of government. He served on the La Canada Flintridge City Council from 1999-2006, and was Mayor of La Canada Flintridge from 2001-2002 and from 2005-2006. He was also a California State Assembly member for District 44 from 2006-2012 before being elected for State Senate in 2012. Outside of his work in government, Anthony also has a background in film and television production as art director, assistant director, and location manager. He served on the California Film Commission and implemented the California Film Tax Credit Program. He has shown passion for his work in local governments and expressed a love for listening to the issues and concerns of his constituents.

In 2020, Anthony's legislation focused mainly on education and public safety. He tackled many issues including preventing school employees from needing to use sick or vacation time for natural disasters or evacuation, allowing students to have excused school absences for mental health, requiring confirmation of hunting licenses for persons under 21 purchasing a firearm, requiring the state to establish a program to research emerging concerns on drinking water, establishing methods for testing drinking water for chemicals, requiring cross reporting between schools and law enforcement in the event of a school threat, allowing districts to use after school funds for before school programs, requiring first and second grade screening for dyslexia, giving businesses flexibility to account for tax credits, and creating the authority for the overseeing of design and construction for the extension of the Metro Gold Line. A full list of his legislation from 2017-2020 can be found on his website linked below.

Anthony graduated from Albright College and lives in La Canada. He has sent his children through LCUSD schools and attends St. Bede's Church with his family.

How Anthony Portantino Can Help You !

We elect our representatives so they can serve as our advocates! 

The California State Senate has strong legislative powers in the state. Each State Senator represents a local district in the state government, as Anthony represents us in District 25. As the State Senator for this district, Anthony currently represents 20 cities in the San Gabriel Mountain and San Gabriel Valley foothill areas. The primary power of the State Senator lies in creating, debating, and voting on legislation to make new state laws or modify existing ones. They also have a hand in creating the state budget. Each State Senator usually serves on several committees under the California State Senate.


Anthony serves on the Legislative Budget Committee, Insurance Committee, Banking and Financial Institutions Committee, Governmental Organization Committee, and is chair of the Appropriations Committee.


As your State Senator, Anthony is here to advocate for you and pass legislation that improves our community. You can contact Senator Portantino and our other state representatives to voice your concerns and advocate for changes you want to see implemented in our district.

Next Election

The next general election for California State Senate is on November 5, 2024.

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