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Let's Volunteer
La Cañada!

Local and Online Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering: Text
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Stay Updated On Social Justice Events And Movements In Los Angeles

This website posts a calendar of events in LA as well as a list of local groups/resources

Help Keep Our Mountains Clean With The TAKATAKA CLUB!

Learn how you can help preserve our local environment.

Help Eliminate Food Waste With This Neighborhood App!

Learn how to help make La Canada Zero Waste.

Volunteer With Union Station Homeless Services In Pasadena!

Click to learn more about how you can help our unhoused neighbors.

Volunteering: Take Action
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Share Your Ideas

Fill out this google form with any suggestions you have on how we can mobilize to better our community!

Join La Canada BLM!

We are always looking for new volunteers and organizers to help us run our events! Fill out this google form to get started!

Volunteer with BLM LA!

Learn how to help support the Black Lives Matter movement in Los Angeles!

Join a local commission or the youth council! (Paid Opportunity)

Click to learn more about how you can be a part of our local government.

Volunteering: Take Action
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