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Are you a chapter of BLM?

Despite the creation of official chapters, such as BLM LA, which are a part of the Black Lives Matter Global Network, the BLM movement itself is decentralized and focused on grassroots organizers. The phrase Black Lives Matter is not trademarked by any one group. Thus, much like groups across the country, we use the name to show that we hold the same values and goals as that of the original movement and official chapters within the global network. There are only two chapters of the BLM Global Network in California; Los Angeles (the original chapter) and Long Beach!

How can I support?

There are an infinite number of ways to be an ally in the racial justice movement. Our organizers host a protest outside the La Canada Flintridge Town Center every Sunday from 11-1 pm. We are always looking for people to help us at protests, but beyond that we have several online actions that include such things as emailing our city council or donating to a fundraiser or food drive that we are participating in. We are always looking for new people to join our movement and we have a list of volunteer opportunities and a space to make suggestions HERE

What can I expect at a protest?

We hold protests every Sunday from 11-1 pm every Sunday at the intersection of Foothill and Angeles Crest in La Canada. While the number of attendees varies widely, we always ensure that safety is our top priority at all of our protests. We bring water, signs, poster, music, and first-aid supplies to each event. All you need to do is show up! We are also more than happy to provide any accommodations you may need to make our events more accessible [email us at]. You can read more about how we run our protests and the rules we enforce HERE.

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