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Protesting: Text

Protesting With La Canada BLM

A Quick Informational Guide

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Protesting: Welcome

Why We Protest

Empowering Our Community

While protesting is one of the most visible actions we take, it is only one aspect of our movement. We hold protests every Sunday in La Canada in order to provide community members an opportunity to make their voice heard or stand up for their BIPOC neighbors. Protesting serves as a reminder to our community that we are here and we are not going anywhere. We also focus our messaging on putting pressure on our City Council as well as the LASD. While we protest in-person each week, you can also help protest from home by spreading the photos we share from our protests and by emailing our Mayor and city council-members and encouraging them to respond to our request to be heard!

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Protesting: About
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How We Protest

Safety and Unity

We encourage anyone and everyone to join us at one of our weekly protests -  Sunday from 11-1pm at the intersection of Angeles Crest Highway and Foothill Boulevard. Our leadership works to ensure that all of our protests are safe, family friendly, and accessible to everyone. The following rules have been put in place to help maintain this goal.

Rules For Our Protest

  1. Any violent or destructive looting statements or behavior is not condoned by or associated with our movement.

  2. Protesting will be contained to sidewalks and we will refrain from blocking traffic.

  3. Masks are mandatory during protest and social distancing guidelines should be followed whenever possible. Masks will be provided to those who need them, but you will not be permitted to partake in any of our events without a mask.

  4. All protesting locations will be accessible, and chairs will be provided for those who need them.

  5. Any signs including language of violence, racism, homophobia, transphobia, classism, fatphobia, ableism, white supremacy, or similar ideals are not welcome. All chants/signs/music/etc… are subject to approval by organizers.

  6. If the police approach you, please direct them to one of our organizers who will be announced at the protest.

  7. We do not engage with counter-protesters, if you are confronted please ignore them and walk away. Do not yell inflammatory things at or otherwise engage with counter-protestors, we are here to engage in meaningful community discussions. If necessary find an organizer to help you de-escalate the situation. It is extremely common for passersby to yell expletives and make obscene gestures at us. We strictly do not reciprocate or engage in this behavior, please just continue to wave or ignore them. 

  8. Do not take pictures of fellow protestors without consent, we want to protect the identities of our protesters as much as possible and respect their possible desire to remain anonymous. We typically take one photo to publish on our social media pages at the end of the protest, but every attendee has to opportunity to opt-out of being photographed.

  9.  If you are approached by the press or anyone looking for information about the movement please direct them to an organizer. DO NOT make statements to the press unless you have discussed it with an organizer first.

*If you have any accessibility needs please contact us at

Protesting: About Us
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Want To Host Your Own Protest?

Here is a quick guide as to how to protest in La Canada and beyond!

Protesting: About Us
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